
PCOS and Women’s Health

1,500.00 / 3 months

A low-carb & fasting lifestyle approach to managing PCOS, fertility, myoma, endometriosis & female health. This is not just about learning about PCOS, Fertility, myoma, endometriosis & female health but will also provide a support group that is guided by a medical professional to ensure a safe and natural journey towards healing.

This masterclass includes:

  • 6.8 hours on-demand video
  • 2 articles
  • 2 downloadable resources

What You'll Learn

  • Day 15 : Female Anatomy and Physiology
  • Day 16 : Menstrual Cycle
  • Day 17 : Fertility, Reproduction and Lactation
  • Day 18 : What is PCOS?
  • Day 19 : Other Reproductive Diseases and Infertility
  • Day 20 : Infertility and Calorie Requirements
  • Day 21 : Fasting Schedule for PCOS and Other Reproductive Problems